I have always thought it would be fun to decorate a cake and make it cute . Back on June 2009 (around father's day) I wanted to make my husband a "real" cake instead of the typical 13" x 19", since it was his first "real" father's day (our first boy was just born a few months earlier). I watched a short video how-to on cake decorating on the net. Click here if you want to watch it. There are a bizillion cake decorating videos on the internet but this is the one I watched.
I had bought a little kit from Walmart and I had know idea what tip did what. BTW...don't buy the kit I bought. Granted it was only $3 and came with five different tips...but its JUNK. I threw it all away when I bought my Wilton tips. Which fyi, Walmart now carries Wilton stuff. It's cheaper than Joannes or Michaels....but don't forget you can use coupons at Joannes and Michaels so it ends up being cheaper than Walmart.
I do think the "flowers" and the writing are decent. I flavored the icing chocolate (using cocoa powder) before realizing that I should have added the food coloring before I added the cocoa. Duh. That's why the colors look sorta murky.
Anyway, I think it turned out okay for what little experience and supplies I had (cake leveler, anyone? It was very wobbly!)--though obviously I had a loOOooOng way to go.

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