Here' a treat for you! This cake recipe is from my great-grandmother and is called Any Old Fruit Cake. It's a little different; it tastes is similar to a spice cake but sweeter, and its very moist and dense.
1 qt plumbs, apricots, or whatever fruit you have canned (canned in mason-jar qts)*
1/2 C vegetable oil
2 eggs
2 C sugar
3 C Flour (abt)
4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cloves
1 C chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)
Combine fruit, oil, and eggs. Combine dry ingredients and add to liguid ingredients. Beat for two minutes with electric mixer. Add nuts if used. Turn into oiled baking pan. Bake in preheated oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
*drain 2 quarts of fruit, making sure you have one full quart of the pulp for this recipe (use juice for a drink or jelly)
Frost cake with cream cheese frosting and enjoy!
p.s. I have no idea how this cake works with decorating. It's super yummy and nice for a change, though!
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